Red Packet (Lai See)


Little Storiz has rethought the traditional paper red packet to create one Lai See more eco friendly and super fashion! Pick up the traditional red or be more original and choose another fancy color Traditionally made of paper, the little fairies have come up with more eco-friendly, reusable and personalized red packets!

pick your astro sign and your name

Your lai see will be unique !

SKU: N/A Category:

Size: 11 x 19.5cm

100% linen and cotton

Product presentation

Little Storiz has rethought the traditional paper red packet to create one Lai See more eco friendly and super fashion! Pick up the traditional red or be more original and choose another fancy color Traditionally made of paper, the little fairies have come up with more eco-friendly, reusable and personalized red packets!

pick your astro sign and your name

Your lai see will be unique !



Happy kakhi, Hello Sunshine, Kiss Me, Little Honey, Little Parisian, Tropical water

Signe astrologique/Signe Astro

Dog, Dragon, Goat, Horse, Monkey, Ox, Pig, Rabbit, Rat, Rooster, Snake, Tiger

Location of the artwork/Emplacement

Bottom part, On the cover


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